Are Construction Workers Independent Contractors

As an independent contractor, the terms and conditions of the work you perform are set out in a contract between you and the employer. Even if you are not considered an “employee” under federal labor law, you can still join a union. However, you should keep in mind that an independent contractor unit is not subject to the same privileges and guarantees as a regular union bargaining unit. For example, an employer is not required to negotiate with a union the terms of an independent contractor`s contract on how to negotiate matters affecting its regular employees. Even an independent contractor who went on strike would not be protected from employer reprisal under the National Labour Relations Act. We are a 55-year-old lumber framing company in Kansas City. We have 35 employees. I am the owner in the 2. Generation, was foreman for 17 years and rose through the ranks and bought the company in May 07.

It bothers me a bit about classification. Too many crews are 1099. These workers are usually very bad at paying their taxes and taking out insurance. You don`t pay to SS or Medicare. All this is done to save costs. I think we should work on hiring entrepreneurs who have a business and employees. They should get a better price to have all their insurance. Companies that operate 1099 make the industry cheaper and make it harder to attract skilled workers. I observe that experienced high-quality framers will be in high demand. Our workforce is really old or very young. The average generation had no desire to work hard.

Encourage crews to be a company. *Please note that this copyright section only applies to works created by independent contractors. If you are an employee, the rights to any work you have created in the course of your employment automatically belong to your employer. In a third case, it was found that the law did not apply if the party seeking compensation did not want compensation for its own active negligence. These interpretations reaffirm that parties to construction contracts must ensure that they comply when seeking redress for the misconduct of others. A contractor must have clauses that they can enforce and ensure that all legal requirements are met. The exemption must contain a monetary limitation that is in a reasonable business relationship with the contract. When you work with our construction lawyers, you will work with knowledgeable attorneys who understand Massachusetts construction workers` law and independent contractor labor laws, and how those laws affect both businesses and employees. Our lawyers will always look for a way to resolve issues amicably to save you time and money. We will only plead if there are no other options.

The second thing you can do to protect yourself is to see if your contract only requires certain people to perform the particular document. For example, many construction contracts stipulate that only project managers have the authority to order new work or sign change orders. If you have a contract that says you need to make sure these people execute the document. If the authorized person does not sign the document, you may subsequently be considered unauthorized. If your construction project gets into trouble, you may find that a minor disagreement turns into a more serious legal battle. And in no time, the word “violation” might appear in the correspondence you receive. If this happens, should you worry? Probably. The general rule in most jurisdictions is that if the parties intend to do so, a contract is binding, although the parties also agree that the formal design of its provisions will be prepared later. “Even if all the details are not definitively established, an agreement can be binding if the parties agree on the essential conditions and seriously understand the agreement and intend for the agreement to bind them. A subsequent difference in the interpretation of the contract does not affect the validity of the contract and does not indicate that the opinions of the parties with regard to it do not coincide. 17 C.J.S.

Contracts p. 31. Simply put, letters of intent can be enforceable if they contain the essential conditions necessary to demonstrate a meeting of spirits. Although there are no fixed rules, an analysis of some applicable cases provides useful guidance. The bridge is permanently stacked in favor of the government. In 2011, the IRS and Dol signed a memorandum of understanding to improve information sharing and collaboration to combat misclassification of workers. In 2018, all but nine states signed this memorandum of understanding to “protect” employees from misclassification (and to “protect” state and federal tax revenues). Over the past decade, more than half of the states have passed laws aimed at ending misclassification with harsh penalties for companies that “intentionally” misclassify their employees. Several states such as Delaware, New York, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania have laws to misclass workers who directly target the construction industry. In some cases, independent contractors may have been willing to participate in the misclassification and ask their construction company employer to pay them as an external company.

Entrepreneurs, unlike employees, can create their own business unit and more efficiently deduct expenses such as tools and equipment and reduce their payroll taxes. In some cases, workers do not fully understand the disadvantages, for example. B that they cannot apply for unemployment benefits in the event of dismissal. At the accounting firm where I work, many construction company clients have received audit notices from the New Jersey Department of Labor, which has announced its intention to conduct tax audits in the event of unemployment. Instead of a full audit, the Ministry of Labour wanted to see only the 1099 issued to independent contractors. These 1099 forms were reviewed against the personal income tax of independent contractors to determine whether they are truly independent contractors. These clients were able to provide the Ministry of Labour with additional documents proving independent contractor status. Independent contractors are not like normal employees. An independent contractor is a person who can run their own business, but also works for other companies. People who are classified as independent contractors are not considered employees of your company. Under Criterion C, to be considered an independent contractor, an employee must be able to provide this service to any other employer who wishes to use this service.

An employee would not be an independent contractor if he had to rely on a single employer to provide his services. Massachusetts courts treat the MIFM as a “strict liability status.” This means that they do not take into account the employer`s intention when hiring the employee or an agreement between the employee and the employer. Even if the employer hired the employee in good faith as an independent contractor, the employer`s intent does not matter if it does not meet an employee`s strict requirements as an independent contractor. A good result for the concrete company and a good lesson for all construction companies that rely on agreements that may not have been reviewed by their construction lawyer. Not all of these indemnification provisions are automatically enforceable. Force majeure is a physical environmental event that is beyond anyone`s control, such as floods, earthquakes, tornadoes or other natural disasters. Force majeure, on the other hand, is an event of human origin, such as an act of war, a terrorist act, a labor dispute or a failure of the electrical system, but it does not imply the death of a party. Both are ways of describing those unpredictable circumstances that prevent a party from abiding by an agreement. They are included in construction contracts in order to release someone from any liability for lack of performance in a timely manner. The Department of Labor and the state`s wage and hourly agencies want to be able to claim penalties associated with unpaid overtime, missed meals and breaks, and other violations of labor laws that only employees can bring.

Workers` compensation insurers want a larger pool of labour to spread their risks (independent contractors are not covered by a company`s workers` compensation insurance). Litigants want to be able to bring class actions for misclassification (which are not covered by insurance), as well as individual lawsuits for harassment, discrimination, and unlawful dismissal that only employees can file. The coronavirus has changed our world in many ways. Everyone in all sectors is affected, including construction. And the only place contractors immediately made changes was the clauses previously ignored in the fine print of their contracts – clauses dealing with force majeure, delivery delays, price protection and government policy. It is a provision that states that under no circumstances do you have the right to claim money if the work is delayed. .

Apcrda Land Pooling Agreement

Kanakamedala Ravindra Kumar, a member of Telugu Desam Rajya Sabha, explained that there would be restrictions on the inclusion of capital clauses in the CRDA agreement with farmers, and said a clause was included in which farmers would be entitled to compensation for the CRDA`s violation of any of the terms of the agreement. The union`s former finance secretary, EAS Sarma, had said at a press conference in February that the acquisition of land under LPS was a clear violation of the law for Amaravati, predicting that fraud and fraudulent activities would likely take place under such vaguely defined systems. Sarma, along with Pandalaneni Srimannarayana, who brought damage to the fragile ecosystem before the National Green Court, filed serious charges against the government – one of them misled farmers and led them to abandon their multi-crop land. The duo say the government`s move threatens food security and the ecosystem. Jagan Mohan Reddy`s government on Wednesday released 195 crore of rupees for pension payments to farmers in Amaravati, who divided their land as part of the land pooling program for the construction of the capital. According to the agreement, from 22 February 2019, the CRDA was to pay compensation of Rs 10 per square metre for residential land and Rs 20 per square metre for commercial land each month. Recently, Jana Sena`s chief, Pawan Kalyan, recalled his interaction with Mr. Naidu, in which he wanted to know how he would ensure the continuation of capital and the success of the land pooling program in the event of a change of government. Mr. Naidu has repeatedly announced that appropriate measures will be taken to give Amaravati legal inviolability and ensure its maintenance regardless of the ruling party.

10 May 2017: When the Andhra Pradesh government launched its Land Pooling Programme (LPS) in December 2014 to acquire land for the new state capital, Andhra Pradesh, it attracted the attention of the whole country. It was certainly a wonderful policy and the government managed to gain the trust and confidence of the rural population of the region identified for the capital. Through the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority Act 2014, the government claims to have collected at least 33,000 hectares of land in more than 29 villages in the identified region to build its “world-class” state capital. The government claims that this land was voluntarily donated by individual farmers. The supposedly successful land pooling programme has become a model for the rest of the country as an alternative and relatively peaceful method of acquiring land for infrastructure projects. If the land allocated is government land, what are settlement houses? In fact, what the government is doing is wrong. Contrary to the claims of former Prime Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu, Amaravati`s chief architect, who said he has given top priority to protecting farmers` interests, legal experts warn that the development agreement weakens their case. The pension was to be paid in May of each year, according to the agreement between the farmers and the former Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA). According to the agreement signed with the APCRDA, farmers are expected to acquire physical ownership of the land by February 2019, i.e. within three years of notification of the land pooling programme. Lawyer Ch Nirmalatha practices in the city but comes from Undavalli, a wealthy village near Vijayawada.

She fights for her village, her own land, the cultural identity of her people and for her father`s cemetery, which sits on the 30-hectare land she owns with her siblings. “From day one, we begged the government not to take the fertile land. First, it is about the environment. It was a completely green belt, but the last two years have left it dry. Vegetables from the city have become rare and expensive, because agriculture is at a standstill in these villages,” she said. The ruling party`s alarmism at a time when people need advice and support has not helped. Guntipalli Devari*, a marginal farmer, asks: “The amount of land we are recovering after so many years of development is not a cover. Different groups have different numbers.

I was told that I would not receive any compensation. My country is an “assigned country”. We have lived with it for generations. What if the capital doesn`t arrive at all? Devari refers to an ancient, government-initiated and recognized system in which Dalits and peoples of certain castes and marginal tribes received for generations rights to the land of no one on whom they lived and earned their living – thus classifying them as allotted land. If we give away our land now and the proposed development does not take place, what will we get? “Ruling party cadres have spread a rumour that those who do not give up land under LPS will be forced to give it up without compensation. It helped them get land,” says G Naresh Reddy, who owns 0.8 ha in Penumak village but has not passed it on to the government. He organized farmers from the villages of Penumak and Undavalli to protest against the LPS. “We are receiving threats from Telugu Desam party executives and government officials to label our country dry rather than irrigated so that the government can buy it at a lower price,” Reddy said. Mr. Seshagiri Rao, president of the Capital Region Farmers` Federation (CRFF), reiterates the claim that the LPS is a success, saying it violates people`s constitutional rights because it denies them a livelihood. CrFF has also filed a complaint with the World Bank to stop financing projects in Amaravati. “A World Bank team will visit next month in response to the complaints to assess the violation of the provision of resettlement and rehabilitation facilities to those affected,” Rao said.

He also says that the government may have compensated the peasants, but that it has no plan for the rehabilitation of village artisans and landless workers. “There are about 140,000 people affected, but the government has only taken into account 100,000 farmers,” Says Rao. Down To Earth`s phone calls to the Capital Region`s Development Commissioner, Sreedhar Cherukuri, who inquired about landowners` complaints against LPS, went unanswered. Several cases of corruption have also been reported in the past two years. In August, Y S R Jaganmohan Reddy, the opposition leader in the Andhra Pradesh assembly, raised the issue of arbitrary land allocation to key party leaders and bureaucrats. Box game It is worth noting that almost the entire population of the 28 villages where the land is acquired belongs to the Kamma caste, the caste of Chief Minister Naidu. Experts say playing the box card helped the Prime Minister convince people to give land. Party leaders in these villages were also offered positions in the government to deal with any dissent that existed on the ground. For example, when this journalist visited the village of Belakonde in Guntur, marginal farmers voiced their problems, but the big landowners refused to say anything against the LPS. “Everyone in this village is happy with LPS.

I brought my 2.4 ha and I`m happy,” says P Kotesh Rao from Belakonde village. He also informed village chief Narsimha Rao of the journalist`s arrival. “Avoid talking to villagers. I will come later and talk to you in detail,” Rao said by phone. Rama-krishna Raju, a social activist based in Vijayawada, says TDP cadres are trying to silence dissent and continue to inform the media about the “success” of the LPS. “These executives keep telling farmers that the Prime Minister`s initiatives will help them grow millions of times overnight.” “If the prime minister does not keep his promises, the effects will be visible in the 2019 trade union elections,” Narayan warns. Naidu has a great vision for the capital. The inhabitants of the state want to participate in this dream, but for the choice of the capital region – which is located on the most fertile area of land in India. In an interview with The Deccan Chronicle in October 2015, the Prime Minister said: “The farmers have happily donated their land. They have all benefited from land consolidation.

Land prices have skyrocketed seven times. If I don`t open the land and build the city, will the farmers be silent? People in the capital region would like to believe this, but they face the reality of discrimination and uprooting of their livelihoods. They demanded that the APCRDA be responsible for developing the land allocated to them under the land pooling program, in addition to the rapid completion of the remote infrastructure and giving them physical ownership of the developed residential and commercial properties. Andhra Pradesh`s Land Pooling Scheme (LPS) was presented as a model land acquisition initiative. But three years after its introduction, it left farmers no land and no work. .

An Option Contract Requires the Offeror to

We have already said that a unilateral contract is a contract in which the bidder makes a promise and the target recipient demonstrates its acceptance through an action. Problems arise when a supplier of a unilateral contract tries to withdraw the offer after the service begins, but before the service is completed. The Court of Appeal concluded that the letter with the words “for immediate acceptance” was solid evidence of an offer – rather than a price offer – that would create a binding contract if accepted. Therefore, the seller was responsible for the breach of contract, since the buyer had accepted the offer by requesting the ten Mason jars. [19] However, the language used to respond to a potential buyer is crucial. In one case in Kentucky, a buyer sent a letter to the seller inquiring about the price of Mason jars. [17] The seller responded by entering prices for certain sizes and providing the language “for immediate acceptance.” [18] The buyer responded by trying to buy ten Mason jars, but the seller did not fulfill the order because the Mason jars were already sold to another party. The buyer then filed a lawsuit for breach of contract. A fixed offer is one that must remain open for a certain period of time. The company`s offers are subject to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Under the UCC, the time limit for a fixed offer cannot exceed three months. Here is an example of a fixed written offer: “The seller agrees to offer 100 units of furniture at a price of $50 per unit, valid for 60 days.” The deadline for a firm offer may be exceeded by submitting a new firm offer or by entering into an option contract after the expiry of the first offer. The jurisdiction differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but an option contract can be created either implicitly immediately at the beginning of the service (the reprocessing view) or after a “material performance”.

Cook v. Coldwell Banker/Frank Laiben Realty Co., 967 P.W.2d 654 (MB. App. 1998). Marissa and David are looking for venues for their next wedding. Sam offers them a place for the date they want to get married. Although they love it, they are not yet ready to sign the agreement to book the place. Sam agrees in writing that Marissa and David can decide by next Monday if they want to keep the venue for the specified date.

Marissa and David pay Sam two hundred dollars in exchange for the right to decide by next Monday. This is an option contract. Under an option agreement, Marissa and David can accept or reject the offer until next Monday. After this period, the option contract expires and the offer becomes revocable. [31] In our next module, we will discuss the final building block of a binding contract: the rule that consideration is required for the applicability of a contract. Indeterminacy or missing clauses generally do not result in the nullity of a contract. On the contrary, a contract can be enforceable even if important conditions are missing. [8] Courts may, in the circumstances, as “gap fillers,” provide appropriate conditions to compensate for missing conditions. Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, which applies in all states to contracts for the sale of goods, lists several of these shortcomings. [9] The UCC even goes so far as to enforce a contract if the price is missing, allowing the court to enforce the sale at a “reasonable” price at the time of delivery.

[10] The option contract plays an important role in unilateral contracts. In the case of unilateral contracts, the promisor shall endeavour to be accepted by performance by the promisor. In this scenario, the classic contractual view was that a contract was only concluded when the service requested by the promisor had been fully provided. This was because the counterpart of the contract was the execution of the promisor. Once the promisor was fully fulfilled, the consideration was fulfilled and a contract was concluded, and only the promisor was bound by his promise. There were no conditions in the contract regarding delivery or the time of shipment. The court noted that, since the parties had not indicated at the time of the conclusion of the contract which ship would carry the goods, the contract was enforceable in writing and the defendant was required to accept the shipment […].

Amazon Rental Conditions

Amazon Services LLC and its affiliates offer you the opportunity to rent books from under the following conditions. If you decide to rent a manual from them, accept the rental conditions. Read them carefully before renting a book. If you are located outside the United States, this service is not available to you. Currently, Amazon only offers book rental services to people who live in the United States. (including the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii, but excluding Puerto Rico and U.S. territories) However, you can start the service later for other countries. You agree to pay the rental book service fee specified in the Amazon sales calendar for each of your transactions, which is a manual rental. You also agree that we may transfer the proceeds of the sale received from us for rental extensions and the purchase of rental books less applicable taxes, fees and other charges on a monthly basis (or more frequently at our option).

If, in our discretion, we determine that we are unable to collect payment for a manual rented by him from a customer, we will transfer to you 75% of the rental price paid by the customer (the “partial transfer”), provided that you refund us the partial transfer when the customer returns the rental book or if we are able to later: collect payment from the customer. You authorize us to charge any amount due by you under these Rental Terms from the card you used to rent the item or, if that card is no longer valid, from any other card we have stored in your account. Amazon Store cards are not accepted as valid payment methods for rental items. You agree to have at least one valid card in your account that expires no earlier than 45 days after the expiry date of the rental item. We reserve the right to suspend or cancel orders and suspend or terminate your account if you incur unpaid and unpaid fees for rented items and we are unable to charge such fees from a card deposited in your account. It is possible to track your textbook rental via your textbook rental from your Amazon account. To explore the full range of rentals on Amazon, visit or check out the books section for more titles. Amazon displays a rental button next to all available book titles that you can rent instead of buying them. The process is simple and very similar to buying, except that you return the book at the end of the rental period.

Once selected and paid, the rented books will be delivered to your door. Most rentals are for a semester, but you can also rent for 30, 60 or 90 days. If you rent books through Amazon Book Rentals, you can receive a new or used manual. It depends on availability. All previously used manuals are in acceptable rental condition. You can extend your rental by 15 days. You can also extend your rent for another semester. However, in both cases, you will have to pay an additional fee. If you`re interested in Amazon book rentals, read on to learn everything you need to know, including the cost and how to get and return book rentals. In this article, we have tried to hide all the important information that needs to be known. We hope you can now use amazon book rental service without worry.

You can return your rent through your account. Do this during the initial rental refund period to get a full refund. If you return your rent after the repayment period of the original rental, you will not be entitled to a refund of the rental fee. The risk of loss passes to you when the item is handed over to the carrier (both for the initial shipment and for any return from us to you). In the case of returns from you to us, the risk of loss will pass to us upon receipt of the rented item by the carrier. The due date for each manual you rent can be found on the Rental page of your account manual. If the rented reading material you return to them is not stamped on or before the scheduled date of the manual, they may, in their sole discretion, extend your rental period by an additional 15 days. They will charge you the corresponding 15-day extension fee for the manual. 100% of the rental fee goes into buying the book if you decide to buy it later. If the tracking ID shows their tracking activity, you know the shipment is on its way home. Your status will be displayed as Returned after acceptance of your rental return. To return rent after the initial rental period: Many students choose Prime Student for additional benefits such as free shipping, which also extends to textbook rentals.

If you rent through, you agree to return your rental item no later than the due date indicated on the “Manage your rentals” page of your account. The due date of each item you rent, as well as the option to renew or purchase your rental, is available on the “Manage Rentals” page of your account. By keeping your rental on the “Manage your rents” page beyond the current due date, you agree to pay additional renewal and/or redemption fees. What you have already paid for the rental or renewal fee which is less the purchase price. If you`re worried that you`ve forgotten to drop off your Amazon rental, don`t worry, as you`ll receive reminder notifications. If you do not request an extension and your book is stamped late, you may be charged an additional rental period. allows students to rent specific textbooks and rent e-books online. Amazon Book Rental helps students rent textbooks for a semester at the Textbook Rentals store. In addition, they have another option to extend the rental period or buy the book. On the other hand, renting manuals through Amazon Book Rental does not guarantee you an additional supply of equipment.

List of following operators that support Amazon SMS notifications: There are many different genres of book rental, with biology, engineering, math, and public being just some of the most popular rental titles. In summary, the Amazon Book rental service is useful for students. Amazon provides them with book rentals at a certain price with a time limit and the sale of textbooks. There are a few rules and regulations to follow when borrowing textbooks. You have to follow the rules either on the other side, you have to pay an additional fee. If you are looking for textbook book rentals, is one of the best places for you. If we receive a returned manual, we will determine in our sole discretion whether it is in acceptable rental condition. If we find that the returned item is in an unacceptable rental condition, we may, in our sole discretion, charge you the redemption price (calculated as the total purchase price of the item at the time of rental, less any rental fees and renewal fees you have already paid) and return the item to you for custody. For 30-day, 60-day, or 90-day rentals, we may extend your rental period by an additional 30 days and charge you the applicable 30-day renewal fee for the manual. If we continue to receive your postmarked rental no later than the later of an extended 30-day rental period, we may, in our sole discretion, extend your rental period for additional periods of 30 days and charge you the applicable manual renewal fee of 30 days up to the total amount you paid for the rental period (including renewals), corresponds to the purchase price of the manual.

and the manual will be up to you to keep it. When you sign up for Prime Student, you get 2-day free shipping on Amazon Book Rentals, plus return shipping costs are also covered. Customers may rent manuals in accordance with the manual rental terms, which Amazon may update at its sole discretion. Customers can extend the rental of a textbook or purchase a rented manual under these conditions. .

Aia Contract Addendum

AEOI document G701™, Order of Amendment, can be used to amend existing owner-contractor contracts for projects using one of the following terms and conditions: Some general contract information is included in the Architect`s Professional Practice Manual. Yes. AEOI G701S contract document™, change order, contractor`s subcontractor version. No. AIA`s contractual documents do not provide guidance on drafting contracts. . Nothing would prevent the use of an owner/architect contract for engineering or other design services as long as the form is modified to accurately describe the rights and obligations of the parties, including compliance with state licensing laws and regulations. A201®, General terms and conditions of the construction contract; To determine whether the changes meet your objectives or are enforceable in court, you should consult with a lawyer in your jurisdiction. You can make as many changes as you want as long as the changes are made so you can see what has changed. If you want, you can remove entire terms, you can add completely new terms, and you can attach additional documents. AIA Contract Documents publishes several commentaries and guides that can be downloaded for free. Also visit Learn and/or the AEOI website for additional articles and resources.

No. Some parts of the documents created by the AIA Contract Documents software cannot be modified or deleted so that the origin of the document can always be identified. You may be able to replace a term in the document title by specifying elsewhere in the document that the term should have a different meaning. Changes to AEOI contractual documents published on paper should be made by deleting the printed text rather than hiding it completely so that the changes remain visible. AIA agreements and contract document forms are not adapted to the requirements of a particular state. Instead, their provisions are worded in such a way that they are generally applicable in most States. A105™, a typical form of agreement between the owner and contractor for a small residential or commercial project; Editing documents created with AIA Contract Documents software is automatically displayed when the final is generated. At the user`s request, changes are displayed either by strikethroughs and underscores in the text of the document itself, or in a separate add and remove report.

AIA`s contractual document agreements are intended to be tailored to specific projects, whether the agreements are purchased in paper form or generated by the software. All agreements between the owner and the contractor published in the AEOI contract documents assume that an architect is involved in the project. Changing an agreement to remove the role of the architect would require significant changes. To determine whether the changes you make to an AEOI contract document meet your objectives or are enforceable in court, you should consult with a lawyer in your jurisdiction. No. AEOI contractual documents are not adapted to the requirements of a particular jurisdiction. Only a legal or insurance professional working in your area can advise you on local requirements. The AIA`s contractual documents do not contain recommendations on the amount of insurance coverage required.

Laws regarding lump sum damages vary by state or other jurisdiction. You should seek advice from a lawyer who is licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. To modify owner-architect contracts, you can use one of these documents: if the law of one state or other jurisdiction imposes certain requirements, the agreements must be adapted accordingly. The AIA`s contractual documents do not issue instructions on how agreements can be modified to meet the requirements of certain states or jurisdictions. Agreements between owners and contractors published by the AEOI contain spaces or filling points for the insertion of provisions on flat-rate compensation. . . .

Agreement to Indemnity

A large number of companies use compensation agreements in the course of their business activities. You`ll want one if you rely on the skills and services of another party to provide your basic product or service. Most indemnification provisions require the indemnifying party to “indemnify and hold harmless” the indemnified party for certain liabilities. In practice, these terms are usually matched and interpreted as a unit to mean “remuneration”. Commercial litigation lawyers can help you decide if your business will benefit from indemnification agreements. If someone asks you to sign a compensation agreement, only do so if you know what is expected of you. If not, ask your lawyer to review the contract before signing it. The legal language associated with indemnification agreements is complicated. You can rename the entire set-off agreement to hide the intent. Look for phrases that contain words like “keep harmless” and “duty to defend.” Compensation agreements contain several provisions. This strategy ensures that paid parties can remain as specific or flexible as possible when working with other parties. However, there are other clauses for your situation that are not included in the list above, which means you should talk to insurance lawyers to determine how to structure your documents. The purpose of indemnification agreements is to protect a party from liability associated with the negligence or negligence of one of the parties.

Assess your situation with a legal or financial professional to determine if a compensation agreement in your organization would serve a useful purpose during a major transaction. They would sign a compensation agreement with the skydiving company. By signing, the compensation agreement protects the skydiving company from lawsuits. Indemnification agreements are complex business contracts, so you need to approach them carefully to ensure you get the protection provided under the agreement. The compensation agreement you choose depends on the facts and circumstances of your relationship with the other party, industry, and geographic location. It can be difficult to determine which compensation agreements apply to your situation, so seek legal advice before drafting and executing one. Liz is an experienced insurance professional who has been working with freight forwarders and brokers for over 10 years. She can review or draft a variety of business agreements and is here to help your business. Specialties include: service framework agreements, business process outsourcing, marketing and partnership agreements, brokerage agreements, and non-disclosure agreements. Compensation agreements can be useful for many reasons, but if not properly understood, they can have serious consequences for the person who signed them. Make sure you understand your compensation agreement before you sign it. Entering into contracts with other companies or individuals may expose your organization to certain risks and liabilities.

A indemnification agreement can help protect you from any liability caused by the contractor`s negligence or breach of contract. Compensation agreements are complicated, which means you need to take steps to familiarize yourself with their purpose. Keep reading this article to learn everything you need to know about compensation agreements. If so, a compensation agreement is a perfect solution to your concern. Indemnification agreements prevent your employees and customers from suing you for the actions of your contractors and third parties. This Agreement may establish and enforce such provisions as may be necessary to protect your rights. The set-off clause is at the heart of your compensation agreement. You specify here the actions against which the person entitled to compensation will be compensated.

You need to make sure the wording is clear, especially if your business is the protected party under the agreement. Indeed, any ambiguity is generally resolved in favour of the person entitled to compensation. The parties may not use a compensation agreement to protect themselves from liability for illegal acts. This includes any amount that a party imposes on a fine for the infringement. The indemnitor will receive or has received payments under a valid and recoverable insurance policy or a valid and enforceable indemnification clause, law or agreement, unless payment under the insurance policy, clause, settlement or agreement is not sufficient to fully indemnify the beneficiary of the compensation, in which case the compensation provider is responsible for any defect received. is; or the types of third-party actions that prevent indemnification agreements: Like all regular and commercial contracts, netting agreements contain basic policies and provisions that inform customers of their rights and obligations. Omitting critical terms can lead to a document that doesn`t adequately protect you or your business. Be sure to create a comprehensive agreement to avoid possible future problems.

In some cases, the risk of loss caused by a breach of contract may exceed the contract price, and the compensating party cannot afford unlimited compensation. .

Agreement on Agenda

Delegates celebrate the agreement on the Addis Ababa agenda with Conference Secretary-General Wu. Photo: UN DESA/Shari Nijman “We reaffirm that each country bears the primary responsibility for its own economic and social development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overstated,” the agreement said. The conference is the first of three crucial events this year that can set the world on an unprecedented path to a prosperous and sustainable future. Its results provide a solid basis for countries to finance and adopt the sustainable development agenda proposed in New York in September and to reach a binding agreement at the UN climate negotiations in Paris in December that will reduce global carbon emissions. Countries reach historic agreement on raising funds for a new sustainable development agenda The historic agreement, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, provides a basis for the implementation of the global sustainable development agenda, which world leaders are expected to adopt in September this year. The agreement was reached by the 193 UN member states participating in the conference after negotiations led by Ethiopian Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. During this meeting, you will guide the group through a series of questions that examine everyone`s preferences and expectations. You will then work together to create your team agreement. Domestic resource mobilization is at the heart of the agenda. In the outcome document, countries agreed on a series of measures to broaden the revenue base, improve tax collection and combat tax evasion and illicit financial flows.

Countries also reaffirmed their commitment to official development assistance, in particular to the least developed countries, and pledged to strengthen South-South cooperation. The authors argue that increasing transparency and understanding of these possible interrelationships, gaps and conflicts can facilitate policy coherence and use support for ambitious implementation of both programmes across multiple stakeholders, including governments and societies in general. The agreement, adopted after months of negotiations between countries, marks an important step towards a strengthened global partnership that aims to promote universal and inclusive economic prosperity and improve people`s well-being while protecting the environment. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said: “This agreement is a crucial step in building a sustainable future for all. It provides a global framework for financing sustainable development. He added: “The results here in Addis Ababa give us the foundation for a revived global partnership for sustainable development that will leave no one behind. This meeting agenda template helps remote teams create a “work team agreement.” It is a living document that sets expectations and makes agreements on how a remote team will work together. Together, you define basic guidelines for collaboration to eliminate costly misunderstandings.

The 2015 Paris Agreement and the United Nations` 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development both represent widely accepted political visions that signal a paradigm shift: from a “top-down” approach to defined international mandates to a country-led “bottom-up” implementation process. However, the limited interaction between the processes of the two programmes at the global and national levels threatens to hamper effective implementation. In addition, aggregated analyses are lacking to improve understanding of the potential overlaps, gaps and conflicts between the main implementation tools of the two agreements, the NDCs and the SDGs. These analyses are essential to increase the coherence of plans and strategies and improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the two programmes. This document is intended to fill that gap. Wu Hongbo, Secretary General of the conference, said: “This historic agreement marks a turning point in international cooperation that will lead to the investments needed for the transformative new agenda of sustainable development that will improve the lives of people everywhere.” The Addis Ababa Action Agenda contains important political commitments and key results in critical areas for sustainable development, including infrastructure, social protection and technology. There have been international cooperation agreements to finance certain areas where significant investments are needed, such as.B. in energy, transport, water and sanitation infrastructure and other areas to contribute to the achievement of the proposed Sustainable Development Goals. Funding is seen as a pillar of the success of the new Sustainable Development Agenda, which is based on the implementation of 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The authors present two ways to improve policy coherence.

First, they suggest that countries should design their future national sustainable development strategies (NSDS) in a way that aligns with their NDCs. They should complement the activities of NDCs by focusing on issues that have not been addressed and avoiding uncoordinated – and costly – duplication. Second, the authors argue that new and updated NDCs should take into account existing SDSs. Countries could use future updates of the NDCs to align their climate action more closely with the SDGs. The authors point out that this could further encourage buy-in from different types of stakeholders and increase the chances of promoting higher ambitions. Technology – Countries agreed to establish a technology facilitation mechanism at the September Summit on Sustainable Development to promote cooperation among governments, civil society, the private sector, the scientific community, UN agencies and other stakeholders in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. Foreign aid – Countries recommitted to the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national income for official development assistance and 0.15 to 0.20 per cent for least developed countries. At the Third United Nations International Conference on Financing for Development, held today in Addis Ababa, countries agreed on a series of bold steps to review global financial practices and mobilize investment to address a range of economic, social and environmental challenges. Avoid misunderstandings and describe acceptable behaviors for how your team wants to work together.

Climate Change – The Programme of Action calls on developed countries to implement their commitment to achieve the goal of jointly mobilizing $100 billion per year by 2020 from a variety of sources to meet the needs of developing countries. Countries have also committed to phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that lead to wasteful consumption. Collaboration tools should help you bring your team together and improve the way you work. But working remotely isn`t just about having the right collaboration tools. Good virtual team managers should promote team building, effective communication and group cohesion. So how can we get every team member on the same page? Taxation – The Agenda calls for increased support for the work of the UN Committee of Experts on International Tax Cooperation to improve its efficiency and operational capacity, as well as for cooperation with the Economic and Social Council. It stresses the importance of inclusive cooperation and dialogue between national tax authorities. The authors conduct a global analysis that examines the extent to which climate action contained in countries` NDCs is linked to the 17 SDGs. The analysis, which builds on the results of the NDC-SDG Connections tool, highlights both the areas of sustainable development that are directly addressed by climate action and those not currently included in the activities of the NDCs. The paper shows that the actions outlined in the NDCs promote synergies to varying degrees with national development priorities that reflect the 2030 Agenda. The authors note that a large number of climate activities support, for example, SDG 7 (clean and affordable energy), SDG 15 (life on land) and SDG 2 (zero hunger), but that there are significant gaps in relation to the SDGs such as SDG 5 (gender equality), SDG 1 (no poverty) and SDG 16 (peace and justice).

Infrastructure – Countries agreed to establish a Global Infrastructure Forum to identify and address infrastructure gaps, identify opportunities for investment and cooperation, and ensure that projects are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. In addition, there were about 200 side events where governments and other stakeholders announced additional commitments. These included additional support for fiscal capacity-building; Financing by development banks, including USD 400 billion from the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund, as well as the establishment of new international development banks; and increased philanthropic aid and funding for social needs. .

Agreement in Real Estate

Commercial Real Estate Purchase Agreement – For any type of non-residential property, it is recommended to use the Commercial Purchase Agreement. No, a real estate purchase agreement does not require certified certification because it is not filed in county records. While it`s never easy to get away from home — especially if your heart is focused on it — there may be instances where you need to. Remember that if any of the contingencies set out in your contract are not met, you can cancel the agreement and keep your deposit, all without spending anything but time. The conditional contract, you will find, is one of your most important assets that you will have in any real estate transaction. Contract failure: It is very common for real estate contracts to indicate what happens when one or more parties are in default. Not only does this set clear expectations for buyers and sellers, but it also helps avoid lawsuits if someone fails to achieve their goal. Taking into account the impact of the defect, there will be no “what if” issues at the time of the agreement. State-to-Association Purchase Agreement: Many states and brokerage associations that serve local markets have standardized purchase agreements that they use to manage their transactions.

The agreement must specify whether the buyer or seller pays each of the overhead costs associated with the purchase of the home, e.B. escrow fees, title search fees, title insurance, notary fees, registration fees, transfer taxes, etc. Your real estate agent can advise you on who usually pays each of these fees in your area – the buyer or seller. This type of real estate contract can be very useful if you own rental properties or if you are caring for an elderly parent or a parent who may encounter a situation where they cannot sign their own real estate contract. The principal or the party who has given permission to act on his behalf may have someone signed on his behalf. The manager may be someone who is: Buy a home: As an investor, you will come across many properties that you want to buy during your career. You can work with a buyer to find potential quotes through the MLS, submit quotes on your behalf, and help you navigate the purchase agreement. You will find amounts tailored to current needs such as home valuations, title searches, taxes, insurance, lender fees and property transfers. The responsibility for paying these closing costs (part of which can be shared between the buyer and seller) must be defined in your purchase agreement.

A real estate contract can be terminated either if the option is included in the contract or if your state`s regulations allow it. Typically, state laws allow for termination of a contract if a seller does not disclose major issues on the property. When termination is agreed between the buyer and seller, most real estate agents require both to approve a termination letter before releasing trust funds. In real estate, a serious cash deposit is a good faith deposit that the buyer deposits for the purchase of the property in order to show the seller that he is serious about buying it. In particular, this deposit will also be used as financial compensation for the buyer in the event that the buyer decides to break the contract and withdraw completely from the real estate activity. If you are new to real estate investment trading, you may be wondering what a real estate contract is and what the different types could be. What role do these real estate investment contracts play? And, perhaps more importantly, what benefits do they offer to investors? Closing costs: Always indicate who is responsible for closing costs and always pay attention to this information. In many cases, sellers may be responsible for covering these costs, but they may be buried in the contract. Make sure that the information on closing costs in each real estate contract is clear to avoid confusion. A real estate purchase agreement defines the agreed terms under which the buyer and seller agree to a real estate transaction. The conclusion and signature of a purchase contract effectively places the buyer and seller (as well as the property in question) “under contract”.

If financing was a condition of the purchase agreement, the buyer must go to a local financial institution to apply for and obtain financing for their home. This is commonly referred to as a “mortgage” and can require up to 20% for a down payment and other financial obligations, depending on market conditions. A real estate purchase contract and a purchase contract is a detailed document that breaks down the specifics of the real estate transaction. On his pages, you will find several common elements, including the following points: To conclude the transaction, Larry drafts a sales contract describing the transaction including the purchase price. He keeps the deed of ownership while Derrick makes monthly payments. Once Derrick has refunded the amount stated in the agreement, Larry will transfer the deed home to Derrick. Every transaction is different, so not all property purchase contracts are alike. However, there are some basic elements that must be included in each purchase agreement. Property-specific purchase agreement: If you are buying a property outside the traditional single-family home paradigm, para. B example a mobile home or vacant land, you may need to use property-specific purchase agreements (it depends on the market). Although there is some similarity with these types of purchase contracts, these types of real estate contracts contain certain clauses relating to the type of property being treated. A purchase contract is a legal document that describes the terms of a real estate transaction.

It indicates the price and other details of the transaction and is signed by both the seller and the buyer. Now that you know more about how a real estate contract works, you`re better prepared to begin the process of buying an investment property. However, before you do that, remember that contract law can sometimes become tricky. With that in mind, if you have any questions when signing a purchase agreement, talk to your real estate agent or real estate lawyer for clarification. A real estate assignment contract is mainly used in a wholesale investment strategy where you find a property in difficulty, contractually secure it and “assign” this contract to a second buyer (usually with a small profit for you). There are real estate podcasts and they are free. Here are 10 to start with. Lead Paint Disclosure – A federal law that requires the owner of a property built before 1978 to determine whether peeling, peeling or deteriorated paint has appeared on the site. Since paint particles are dangerous to a person`s health, this is a mandatory disclosure that must be attached to every purchase contract. General Purchase Agreement: This is a lighter, usually much shorter, version of the purchase contract between the state and the association.

This real estate contract is a great option if you work directly with sellers and are not buying property through a real estate agent. If you prefer to use a general purchase agreement with a lawyer or real estate agent, be sure to indicate why you want to use the contract and highlight how it can save time for all parties. In addition, the contract contains relevant information on closing costs. It indicates which closing costs are part of the transaction and who is responsible for paying them. If the seller helps the buyer cover part of its closing costs, this information will also be included in the contract. Simply put, a real estate contract aims to clarify the process of buying a home while providing protection to both the buyer and seller. It can be helpful to keep this in mind when you start building a real estate contract. Initially, a potential buyer will submit their official letter of offer. The seller may reject or thwart the offer and make changes to things like the purchase price, closing costs, or contingencies. This is the beginning of the negotiation part of the construction of a real estate contract. From there, the buyer can choose to modify or accept the new conditions – by adjusting the points listed above. Often, this process takes place between the buyer`s real estate agents and the seller.

What they finally decide will then become their real estate contract. A binding legal agreement that describes the key details of the transaction of selling a home can also be called a real estate purchase contract, a home purchase contract, a real estate purchase contract, or a home purchase contract. As a rule, the buyer`s agent drafts the purchase contract. However, unless legally admitted to the bar, real estate agents generally cannot create their own legal contracts. Instead, companies often use standardized form contracts that allow agents to fill in the gaps with sales details. A real estate contract is any legally binding agreement that directs a real estate transaction. In the case of real estate, specific contracts between two or more parties are used to facilitate the purchase or exchange of a plot of land. While the exact nature of each contract may vary by state and type of transaction, according to the U.S. Common Law Fraud Statute (SOF), these agreements must be signed in writing and by both parties to be considered valid. .

Agreement Discharge of Contract Meaning

Usually, contracts consist of an exchange of promises – a promise or promise from each party that someone will or will not do something. Andy`s promise to cut off Anne`s lawn “over the weekend” in exchange for Anne`s promise to pay twenty-five dollars is a commitment to have the lawn mowed by Sunday night or Monday morning. Andy`s promise to “tell no one what I saw you on Saturday night” in exchange for Anne`s promise to pay a hundred dollars is a commitment that an event (the revelation of a secret) will not take place. These promises are said to be independent or absolute or unconditional, since their fulfillment does not depend on an external event. Such commitments, if contractually binding, constitute a current performance obligation (or performance obligation at the specified time). It follows from the foregoing that any breach does not entitle the injured party to treat the contract as having been performed. It must be shown that the breach affected a substantial part of the contract and that it is a breach of the condition rather than a breach of warranty. The performance of a contract means the termination of a contract. It is the act of cancelling a contract or agreement. A relieved contract refers to a contract that is fully fulfilled.

18. By means of a certificate and discharge of debts under bankruptcy law. There are at least five circumstances in which the parties may be released from their contractual obligations because performance is impossible, difficult or unnecessary. If a particular element is necessary for the debtor`s performance, its destruction or deterioration, making its use impracticable (or non-existent), fulfills the debtor`s obligation. Diane`s Dyers signed contracts to buy the sheep ranch`s annual wool production, but the sheep died of an epidemic disease before they could be sheared. Since the specific thing for which the contract was made has been destroyed, Sheepish is relieved of his duty to provide wool to Diane, and Diane has no claim against the ranch. However, if the contract provided for a lot of wool without indicating that it should come from the Sheepish herd, the tax would not be paid; Since wool is available on the open market, Sheepish could buy it and resell it to Diane`s. Contractual obligations may be fulfilled by the cancellation, destruction or delivery of the written contract; at the end of the limitation period; or bankruptcy.

Contractual liability may be fulfilled voluntarily by agreement of the parties, by statutory forfeiture and by the termination, intentional destruction or delivery of a contract sealed with the intention of fulfilling the obligation. In some cases, frustrating conditions can cause the parties to agree to termination, such as government regulations. B over which they have no control. Without those conditions, both parties would otherwise have fulfilled their obligations and fulfilled the contract at the agreed time. Modification: – This is another case in which the terms of the contract are modified in whole or in part with the consent of both parties. But the parties will not change, and they will be able to enjoy new benefits, either they may be inferior or superior to the old contract. The types of fraud that could justify a recession could include one or both parties who distort their financial situation, or one party who lies about their professional qualifications. For example, a person signs a contract with a consultant who pretends to be an auditor and is thus able to assess a company`s finances. The owner of the company, who finally requests the execution of the contract, notices discrepancies in the statements and curriculum vitae of the consultant and learns that the consultant is not a CPA. A recession is possible due to the consultant`s fraudulent claims. This is a modification of one or more contractual conditions with the consent of all the contracting parties.

The change results in a new contract, but the parties remain the same. It is assumed that both sides should gain a new but different advantage from the new agreement. Decree This means the acceptance (by the promisor) of a sum lower than what has been contractually agreed, or a lower execution of the promise made. According to Article 63, “any lawyer may (a) assign or waive it in whole or in part, or (b) extend the period of performance, or (c) accept any other satisfaction in lieu of performance.” In a well-known case, Autry v. Republic Productions, famed cowboy movie star Gene Autry had a contract to perform with the defendant. In 1942, he was enlisted in the army; it was impossible, at least temporarily, for him to fulfil his cinematographic contractual obligations arising before his termination of employment. When he was released in 1945, he filed a lawsuit to be released from his pre-war obligations. The court noted that there had been a long hiatus in Autry`s career and “the great decline in the dollar`s purchasing power” – post-war inflation – and noted that this would mean “considerable difficulties” for him to demand that he work under the terms of the old contract. A world war is an extraordinary circumstance. The temporary impossibility had turned into a practical impossibility. Autry v. Republic Productions, 180 P.2d 144 (California 1947).

Compensation by agreement Exemption by agreement takes place if both parties agree to terminate the contract. If the parties have expressly or implicitly made the basic assumption that certain circumstances would not occur, but that they do occur, then a party will be released from performance of its obligations if its primary purpose has been “substantially thwarted” in drafting the contract. This is not a rule of objective impossibility. This works, although the parties can easily be able to fulfill their contractual obligations. Frustration with the objectiveA defence against contractual non-performance, which occurs when an unforeseen event compromises a party`s main objective of entering into a contract and both parties were aware of that main objective at the time the contract was concluded. Doctrine comes into play when circumstances render the value of one party`s performance virtually worthless to the other. This rule does not allow a party to escape a contract simply because they earn less money than expected, or because a potential benefit of the contract has disappeared. The goal that is thwarted must be at the heart of the contract known and understood by both parties, and the level of frustration must be severe. that is, the value of the contract for the party that wants to be performed must be destroyed or almost destroyed. The term novation implies the replacement of the initial contract by a new one. This agreement can be concluded either with the same parties or with different parties.

For a novation to be valid and effective, the consent of all parties, including news members, if any, is essential. In addition, the subsequent contract or second agreement must be a legally binding agreement, the counterpart of which is the exchange of promises not to perform the original contract. Sometimes the parties enter into a contract without knowing that changes in circumstances may make it impossible to comply with their terms. An example could be that of a couple getting married. You book an outdoor wedding venue. Three weeks before the wedding, a massive fire swept across the area, and while the venue is still in operation, street conditions are dangerous. The couple contacts the venue and there is an amicable decision to cancel the current contract and book the celebration of the marriage for a later date. The performance of a contract implies the termination of contractual obligations. When the parties have concluded the contract, the rights and obligations arising from the contractual obligations have been established. Therefore, the contract is deemed to have been performed during the exercise of these rights and obligations.

Once a contract has been performed, the parties are no longer liable, even if the obligations arising from the contract remain incomplete. The parties may expressly or implicitly make the requirement of contractual performance subject to the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event or to speed. You may make the performance dependent on the satisfaction of one of the contracting parties or the satisfaction of a third party; in all cases, the dissatisfaction must be in good faith. A contract is also released by a merger, which occurs when a subordinate right to which the party is entitled in a contract merges into the higher law that arises from the same party. For example, A leases a factory site to B for a production activity for a year, but 3 months before the lease expires, it buys exactly these premises. Now that A has become the owner of the building, his rights associated with the lease (lower rights) then pass into the property rights (higher rights). The previous lease expires. The parties may conclude employment contracts to the personal satisfaction of a party. Andy tells Anne, a potential client, that he will cut her hair better than his usual hairdresser, and that if she is not satisfied, she will not have to pay him. Andy cuts his hair, but Anne frowns and says, “I don`t like it.” Suppose Andy`s work is excellent.

Whether Anne should pay depends on the standard of evaluation to be hired – a standard of objective or subjective satisfaction. The objective test is one that would satisfy the reasonable buyer. Most courts apply this standard when the contract involves the performance of mechanical work or the sale of a machine whose performance is objectively measurable. Even if the creditor demands the service to his “personal satisfaction”, the courts will find that the debtor has provided the service if the service provided or the goods produced are actually satisfactory. If, on the other hand, the goods or services contracted contain personal judgment and taste, the obligation to pay is paid if the creditor indicates personal (subjective) dissatisfaction. .

Agree to Agree Agreement in the Minimalist Programme

Peter W. Smith is a postdoctoral researcher at the Goethe University Frankfurt. His main research topics focus on morphological and syntactic terms and have focused in particular on the representation of grammatical characteristics and the mechanics of the agreement. His work has been published in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Journal of Linguistics, Morphology and Glossa, among others. Match is a pervasive phenomenon in natural languages. Depending on the definition of what constitutes an agreement, it is found either in virtually every natural language we know, or at least in very many languages. Either way, it seems to be an essential component of the system that underpins our syntactic knowledge. Since the introduction of Operation Agree in Chomsky (2000), consensus phenomena and the mechanism underlying agreement have attracted much attention in the minimalist literature and have received different theoretical treatments at different stages. Since then, many different phenomena involving dependencies between syntax elements, including motion or not, have been taken into account with Agree. The tuning mechanism thus provides a powerful tool for modeling dependencies between syntactic elements far beyond φ feature agreement. The articles collected in this volume further address these issues and contribute to the ongoing discussions on the agreement. The authors gathered in this book are internationally recognized experts in the field of agreement.

Accept an agreement in the minimalist program edited by Peter W. Smith Johannes Mursell Katharina Hartmann Open Generative Syntax 6 language science press Open Generative Syntax Editors: Elena Anagnostopoulou, Mark Baker, Roberta D`Alessandro, David Pesetsky, Susi Wurmbrand In this series: 1. Bailey, Laura R. & Michelle Sheehan (eds.). Order and structure in syntax I: Word order and syntactic structure. 2. Sheehan, Michelle and Laura R. Bailey (Eds.).

Order and structure in syntax II: subjectivity and structure of arguments. 3. Bacskai-Atkari, Julia. Deletion phenomena in comparative constructions: English comparisons from an interlinguistic perspective. 4. Franco, Ludovico, Mihaela Marchis Moreno & Matthew Reeve (Eds.). Agreement, case and place in the nominal and verbal domain. 5.

Bross, Fabian. The Clausreal Syntax of German Sign Language: A Cartographic Approach. 6. Smith, Peter W., Johannes Mursell & Katharina Hartmann (Eds.). Agree to accept: Agreement in the minimalist program. ISSN: 2568-7336 Agree to Agree Agreement in the Minimalist Programme Édité par Peter W. Smith Johannes Mursell Katharina Hartmann language science press W. Smith, Peter, Johannes Mursell & Katharina Hartmann (Eds.).

2020. Agree to Agree: Consent in the minimalist program (Open Generative Syntax 6). Berlin: Language Science Press. Smith, Johannes Mursell & Katharina Hartmann iii 1 2 Étiquetage, sélection et vérification des caractéristiques Hedde Zeijlstra 31 3 Concorde et étiquetage Vicki Carstens 71 4 Accord d’objet et fonctions grammaticales: une réévaluation Peter W. Smith 117 5 Opacity in agreement Laura Kalin 149 6 Agreement distributed in participatory sandwich configurations Franc Lanko Marušič & Andrew Nevins 179 7 AWSOM correlation in comparison Marking of Bantu objects Jenneke van der Wal 199 8 Agreement on a broad front: Thematic agreement in Ripano Roberta D`Alessandro 235 9 Distance contract and information structure Johannes Mursell 271 10 Distance contract and location: a reprojection approach Kristin Börjesson & Gereon Müller 307 11 Agreeing downward probes: Evaluation of anaphoric characteristics and phase reference Michael Diercks, Marjo van Koppen & Michael Putnam 347 Content 12 The morphosyntax of allocutive chord in Tamil Thomas McFadden 391 13 Distinct femoral classes of anaphora in an enriched person system Sandhya Sundaresan 425 Index 463 ii Acknowledgements This book comes from the workshop on syntactic agreement, which took place on 14.07.2016 at the Goethe University Frankfurt. First of all, we would like to thank all the participants and participants of the workshop for their contribution to an excellent and stimulating workshop. Secondly, we would like to thank Language Science Press and Open Generative Syntax for their zeal in publishing this volume, and we are very grateful to all the critics who have greatly improved the content of the volume. Last but not least, but at least as important, we would like to thank all those who supported us in editing the volume: Lena Merkens, Beata Moskal, Corinna Trabandt and Felix Kopecky. Chapter 1 Some remarks on the agreement within the minimalist program Peter W.

Smith Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Johannes Mursell Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Katharina Hartmann Goethe University Frankfurt am Main The agreement was of great theoretical interest to the minimalist program. Since Chomsky (2000; 2001), the agreement has largely been managed through Operation Agree, which is the operation responsible for moving characteristic values from one element to another. While there is a general consensus that agrees in the minimalist literature, there are various questions about how to formulate it and where it fits into grammar. In this chapter, we provide an overview of some of the main debates surrounding the agreement and provide summaries of how the chapters in this book aim to answer some of the open-ended questions. 1 Introductory agreement is a pervasive phenomenon in natural languages (Corbett 2006). Depending on the definition of what constitutes an agreement, it is found either in virtually every natural language we know, or at least in very many languages. Either way, it seems to be an essential component of the system that underpins our syntactic knowledge. Since the introduction of the agreement operation in Chomsky (2000), (1), the chord phenomena and the mechanism underlying the agreement have produced Peter W. Smith, Johannes Mursell and Katharina Hartmann. 2020.

Some comments on the agreement as part of the minimalist program. In Peter W. Smith, Johannes Mursell & Katharina Hartmann (eds.), Agree to Agree: Agreement in the Minimalist Programme, 1–29. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3541743 Peter W. Smith, Johannes Mursell & Katharina Hartmann received a lot of attention in minimalist literature and received different treatments at different stages. (1) agree (from Zeijlstra 2012), α β iff may be appropriate: a. α has at least one unassessed and uninterpretable characteristic and β carries an appropriate interpretable and assessed characteristic. b.

α c orders β c. β is the most targeted α d. β carries an unvalued and uninterpretable characteristic. While the most common mechanism for treating remote trait dependencies in current work is still Operation Agree, introduced in Chomsky (2000), the landscape of approaches to this operation has become very broad, with significant debates on various aspects of Agree`s formulation. Some of these debates are discussed below, when they are relevant to our collection. 1. Should consent be handled by a dedicated agreement operation, which is a primitive operation of the syntactic component such as fusion? 2. . . .