California Franchise Tax Board Installment Agreement Form

Check the status of your request for a instalment payment agreement. Can`t pay your tax bill and want to complete a payment plan? You can request a payment agreement in instalments. You will need bank account information when you complete the application. The request for an instalment agreement allows taxpayers to set up an automatic electronic transfer (EFT) that is withdrawn directly from a bank account. For more information, see the instructions on Form 3567. To change your current payment contract, call us at (800) 689-4776. If a taxpayer has requested that their payments be ignored, they do not need to contact us now. Your payout plan will continue once the number of hop payments you are requesting has been completed. If you request a payment plan (instalment payment agreement), it may take up to 90 days for your application to be processed. Typically, you have up to 3-5 years to withdraw your balance. Your balance will continue to incur interest and penalties. We will extend your refund period until you have paid the balance in full. In all other ways, you follow the original terms of the instalment payment agreement.

You may be eligible to skip your next payment if: Once the CEW is approved, an instalment payment fee of $34.00 will be added to the tax payable. In situations where taxpayers may not meet the criteria for an CEW or already have a CEW or wage garnishment with us, call (800) 689-7446 for assistance. If approved, it will cost you $50 to set up a installment payment agreement (added to your balance). If you would like to receive a default notice and request an IA reset, contact us at (800) 689-4776, via live chat or secure email via your MyFTB account. You may be able to ignore a payment in your payment plan. We will send you a Notice of Intent to Cancel (Form 4021) if your CEW is in default. While we are processing your request, you must continue to make your payments to: In the future, our existing procedures will continue to be used. Taxpayers looking for a CEW can apply online, by phone, live chat or by email.

The normally scheduled payment would continue on the normal date chosen for the deduction. If the taxpayer has not requested to skip payments, they will receive a notice of default for their CEW. Any subsequent CEW would be a new plan and not an extension of their previous plan. Interest continues to accrue on their outstanding balance. You may need to submit an annual financial statement for approval. A tax lien may be a condition of your arrangement. Within 30 days of receiving a request by mail or telephone, we will issue a confirmation of the instalment payment agreement to inform the taxpayer of the receipt and our processing times. Missed payments can be made until July 16, 2020. Catching up on missed payments does not always prevent the delay in the impact assessment.

If you have cleared the missed payments and receive a notice of default, please contact us. If you`ve been following our COVID-19 FAQ page, you know that, as with the IRS, we`re doing the following collection activities until September 15. July temporarily suspended: If a taxpayer already has an CEW and has not been able to meet the conditions, they could request to temporarily skip their payments until July 15, 2020, and we would not default the CEW. However, the deferral period ends soon. From July 16, 2020, we will use AI by default if: There are several different options to request an AI:. For taxpayers who are still unable to make payments due to coronavirus-related issues, they may be able to renegotiate their AIs by contacting us. Our employees are trained to support customers and have administrative authority: in these unprecedented and ever-changing times, an increasing number of taxpayers may face financial hardship. We have different options for your customers up to the 15th century. Balance due in July of the current year. One option is to enter into a instalment (AI) payment contract with us. .