Under a DPA, the government will lay charges against a defendant, but agrees not to proceed with those charges. In return, the defendant undertakes to comply with certain requirements or conditions. If the defendant fulfills its share of the bargain, the government agrees to drop the charges. But if the accused rejects and violates the terms of the dpa, the government can sue. The terms of a DPA are negotiated between the defendant and the government. For example, the agreement could require the defendant to admit wrongdoing, pay a refund, or take certain steps to prevent future misconduct. For example, a DPA might require a company to fire executives responsible for misconduct, implement a more robust compliance program, submit to an independent monitor to ensure upright behavior, or all of the above – and perhaps even more. A deferred prosecution agreement, or “DPA,” is a mechanism for resolving a case against a company that is essentially an unofficial form of probation. Although they are typically used to settle a criminal case, civil law enforcement agencies such as the SEC have also begun to use them. A deferred prosecution agreement (DPA), which is very similar to a non-prosecution agreement (NPA)[1], is a voluntary alternative to arbitration, where a prosecutor agrees to grant amnesty if the defendant agrees to meet certain requirements. For example, a corporate fraud case could be resolved by a deferred prosecution agreement in which the defendant agrees to pay fines, implement corporate reforms, and fully cooperate with the investigation.
Compliance with the specified requirements then leads to the rejection of the indictment. [2] Discussions on the possible introduction of deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) legislation in Canada began in February 2016. Prior to the DPA, Canada already had “prosecutorial discretion” that allowed “offending companies to negotiate a non-criminal sanction for a criminal act.” [9] In June 2018, Canada issued a DPA under provisions of omnibus budget implementation act C-74, which amended the Criminal Code. [10] [11] According to the Law Times, the DPA is changing the way Canadian courts prosecute white-collar crimes, including a reparation system where offenders can avoid conviction if they “cooperate with the Crown and the courts.” [10] The Times quoted Ottawa-based lawyer Patrick McCann as saying the DPA would “align Canada with many other countries that have postponed law enforcement agreements, including the United States and the United Kingdom. and most other European countries.” [10] According to McCann, the DPA “deals with the injustice of the situation when you have a large company that has a rogue senior officer” who has committed a crime, blaming the entire company. [10] McCann said the ODA is fair to investors in companies that are innocent of any wrongdoing. [10] Perhaps because of the Arthur Andersen case – and the many innocent employees who were in distress as a result of that lawsuit – the resolution of a case by an DPA has become more common in recent years. According to one study, the Department of Justice entered into more than 150 such agreements with defendants between 2015 and 2017. Since 1999, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has established guidelines for the prosecution of commercial organizations and corporations. [3] The Department of Justice`s United States Attorneys` Manual (USAM) allows for the review of uncontinued or deferred prosecutions of corporate crimes based on collateral consequences and discusses plea agreements, deferred prosecution agreements, and non-prosecution agreements in general.
[4] [5] According to the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, a previous deferred prosecution is not charged to a defendant`s criminal history if there has been no guilty verdict by a court and the defendant does not plead guilty or otherwise guilty in public court. This contrasts with a deferred provision, which usually involves such a declaration or admission. [6] Guilty plea or plea agreement – is an agreement between the prosecution and the defendant (which may be a business in the United States) in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty or not contest in exchange for the prosecution withdrawing one or more charges, reducing the severity of an indictment, or recommending a sentence to the judge, it is acceptable to the defence. Such an agreement will only be allowed if the defendant actually committed the crime and admits it in court. Given the huge number of cases before U.S. courts, more than 90 percent of convictions result from negotiated agreements, meaning that only about 10 percent of criminal cases end up in court. É importante salientar que se as exigências não forem cumpridas pela empresa no NPA ou no DPA, exigências essas que geralmente estão relacionadas à consolidação de programas de compliance e aperfeiçoamento de controles internos, o Governo norte-americano reserva-se o direito de aplicar severas penas criminais a serem determinadas em juízo. Você está comentando utilizando sua conta WordPress.com. ( Sair / Alterar ) An ODA is not the same as a plea bargain or a conditional sentence. In a plea bargain or conditional sentence, a defendant is convicted of a crime. Compliance with the terms of the plea bargain or probation conditions will be monitored by the court.
On the other hand, an ODA is widely imposed and monitored outside the judicial system. An accused who submits to a DPA is not convicted of a crime. The indictment will be dismissed if the company meets its obligations under the HPA. Foreign courts have even begun to implement this practice. In the United Kingdom, for example, ODA was previously unknown as a means of solving an economic survey. But as the use of DPAs has increased in the US, law enforcement agencies such as the UK`s Serious Fraud Office have also started using them. . The Department of Justice (DOJ) has described dpAs as “important common ground” between charging a company and refusing to lay charges.
The Department of Justice will generally consider a DPA if the collateral consequences of a company`s indictment are significant and cause harm to innocent third parties. Preencha os seus dados abaixo ou clique em um ícone para log in: Non-Prosecution Agreement – é um acordo feito antes do julgamento entre a empresa e o Governo para evitar os custos de um julgamento; custos esses que envolvem as penalidades que podem assumir proporções vultosas. By the way, when signing such an agreement, the company is not obliged to plead guilty and, for reasons, bear the very high costs of criminal convictions (unlike Brazil, the United States criminalizes the legal entity, that is, the company), provided that it undertakes to cooperate with the government and meet all the requirements set out in the agreement to correct the violation. In this form of agreement, no fine is awarded to the company, provided that it meets the requirements. This type of agreement is usually simpler and does not require a monitor to monitor compliance. Deferred Prosecution Agreement – is also a pre-trial agreement between the company and the government to avoid the costs of the process; with the difference that high fines are recorded in court against the company that is required to pay them if it does not cooperate with the government and meets all the requirements set out in the agreement to remedy the infringement that has occurred. Entretanto, o andamento da acusação é sobrestado até o final de certo período, no qual a empresa deve demonstrar ter cumprido as referidas exigências previstas no acordo. Geralmente, é nomeado um monitor para acompanhar o progresso no cumprimento das exigências por parte da empresa. Havendo o cumprimento, a promotoria renuncia às multas aplicadas. For example, Enron`s auditor, the accounting firm Arthur Andersen, essentially collapsed after being charged and convicted of obstructing justice in connection with the actions of its employees during the Enron investigation. Although the Supreme Court eventually overturned the company`s conviction, it was unable to recover and has not functioned as a viable business ever since.