Product Distribution Agreement Sample

A distribution agreement defines the conditions that a distributor follows for the sale of products supplied by a supplier. Each distribution agreement has a number of built-in clauses, but some are more important than others. Some of them included. The distributor is experienced in the promotion, distribution and sale of products similar to the products. 23. Upon request, the Supplier must prepare documents and take the necessary measures to prevent the distribution in the territory of products marked in imitation or simulation of the products. The two agreements still share some complex clauses, such as territorial rights and circumstances leading to the termination of the contract. However, unlike the distribution agreement, the merchant agreement can go further in details such as payment methods, merchant liability, delivery dates, etc. This distribution agreement is between , a single a(n) (the “Supplier”) and , an individual a(n) (the “Distributor”). All orders are transmitted by the Representative to the Supplier and are subject to the Supplier`s written acceptance.

The Supplier may (in its sole discretion) refuse to accept an Order. Any Order placed constitutes an offer by Licensee to purchase or license Supplier`s Products described in this Order and, upon acceptance by Supplier, creates a contractual obligation on Licensee`s part to purchase or license such Products under the terms set forth in this Agreement. Contradictory, contradictory or additional terms contained in an order submitted by Distributor are not binding unless Supplier expressly agrees to these Terms in writing. All costs arising from the modification or cancellation of an order after acceptance by the Supplier, including the costs of redirecting, cancelling or returning shipments and reasonable restocking fees, will be paid by the Distributor to the Supplier upon request. Distributors and sales agents are almost one and the same thing, except that they are different in their own way. Large companies that have money to spend sometimes prefer to use direct sales agents to present their products to people and see a difference in sales. These agents are stationed in prime locations in a region, sometimes by the hundreds, if it is a large area, and their business is run by the company or manufacturer itself. c. Products. The Products manufactured by the Company and sold to the distributor for distribution are as follows: The relationship of the parties under this Agreement is that of independent contractors, and no joint venture, partnership, agency, employer-employee or similar relationship is created in or through this Agreement. Neither party may assume or contract obligations on behalf of the other party, and neither party may take any action that gives the appearance of such authority.

If the agreement is exclusive Know if the distributor has exclusive rights to its region or not. During the Term and for a period of years thereafter, distributor will remain strictly confidential and will not use any Supplier`s Confidential Information, except for the benefit of Supplier or as required by law, or to disclose it to persons, companies or companies without the Supplier`s prior written consent. “Confidential Information” means Supplier`s proprietary information, technical data, trade secrets or know-how, including, but not limited to, research, product plans, products, services, customer lists, markets, software, developments, inventions, processes, formulas, technologies, designs, drawings, constructions, hardware configuration information, marketing, finance or any other commercial information provided to distributor be communicated directly or indirectly. Distributor may use Confidential Information to the extent necessary for negotiations, discussions and consultations with Supplier`s personnel or authorized representatives, or for such other purposes as Supplier may authorize in writing. This Agreement constitutes the final agreement of the parties. This is the complete and exclusive expression of the agreement of the parties to the subject matter of this Agreement. All prior and contemporaneous notices, negotiations and agreements between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be expressly incorporated into and superseded by this Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement may not be explained, supplemented or restricted by evidence of prior commercial use or commercial activity. Neither party has been induced to enter into this Agreement by any representations, representations, warranties or agreements of the other party, except as expressly provided in this Agreement, and neither party shall rely on them. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, there are no prerequisites for the effectiveness of this Agreement. 15.

The supplier or distributor must notify its intention to terminate the contract in writing at least [number] months before a termination date in order to terminate the contract without penalty. 4. The Distributor will do its best to promote the sale and distribution of the Products. Distributor hereby warrants to supplier that it does not currently represent or promote any competing line or product of the Products. .