Strategic Mandate Agreements

The first round of Strategic Mandate Agreements (2014-2017) was negotiated with individual institutions in 2014 based on Ontario`s Differentiation Policy Framework for Postsecondary Education (PDF 250 KB). Over the course of these ADMs, the government has undertaken a review and change to the funding formula for Ontario`s universities. The current cycle of strategic mandate agreements (2017-2020) supports the implementation of the government`s differentiation objectives and the objective of ensuring financial sustainability throughout the university system. Niagara College`s AMS filing includes our key priority objectives as well as our goals for the next three years. It aligns our strategic plan with the province`s objectives and identifies the quorum`s current strengths and vision, mission and mandate. It also describes our history of supporting the unique needs of Niagara`s economy by demonstrating entrepreneurship and innovation in our thinking, forging strong connections with industry, and offering tailored academic programs that support Niagara`s key industries. The Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) is a bilateral agreement between the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and Carleton University. The document includes several specific parameters and an explanation of how Carleton`s institutional mission and strategic objectives support the Ontario government`s priority areas. The current SMA is valid for the fiscal year April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2025.For more information on the Strategic Mandate Agreement instrument, visit the provincial government`s website.

The 2020-2025 agreements focus on institutional priorities and focus on improving performance results. They encourage institutions to channel their resources and invest in initiatives that lead to positive economic and labour market outcomes for students and ontarians. The Government will implement this system as part of the next round of MDAS. The new ADMs will be five-year agreements that will articulate the university`s performance objectives on specific measures and outline our approach to the new policy. Ontario universities have successfully negotiated individual agreements with the Ministry of Education, Qualifications and Development (DFATD). These agreements demonstrate the breadth of everything Ontario`s universities are doing, including improving the student experience, preparing students for the job market, leading research, economic and social development locally and globally, raising awareness and developing pathways between institutions, including Indigenous colleges and institutes. In late 2017, Queen`s entered into discussions with the Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development and signed its Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) for the three-year period 2017-2020. The SA sets out some of the strengths that set Queen`s University apart within Ontario`s postsecondary education system and includes a number of DFATD commitments. Ontario has signed agreements with each of the province`s 24 colleges.

Lakehead University`s SSA proposal submitted to the Ministry (2014) was used to inform the strategic mandate agreement and was the culmination of two years of academic development. The proposal was guided by the department`s requirements and its policy framework for differentiation and developed on the basis of consultations with the academic community, including students, faculty and staff, senators and members of the Board of Governors. The development of Lakehead ADM3 included a consultation process that spanned fall 2019 and winter 2020 and included faculty and senators. Feedback from the academic community was incorporated into the final adm 3 agreement. Under our agreement, Niagara College`s objective is to: Strategic Mandate Agreements (SMAs) are documents developed through negotiations with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCM) that provide universities and colleges with an opportunity to communicate their priorities, identify areas of institutional strength and direction, and establish performance measures. The results of the annual evaluation of year 1 of the SMA3 (2020-2021) are now published on the page of each institution and are available by clicking on the links to the college and university agreements below. . Lakehead University`s Strategic Mandate Agreement 2 (2017-2020) was guided by the requirements of the Department and its strategic differentiation framework, Lakehead University`s strategic and academic plans, and was developed with input from representatives from all university functions as well as faculties and staff. Learn more: Ministry of Higher Education and Skills Development. A big thank you to those who participated in the public meetings. You can always submit ideas, questions or suggestions for the next Ryerson ADM. .

In the 2019 Budget, the Ontario government announced that it would continue to apply a performance- and results-based funding system for all universities and colleges. By 2024-25, the Ontario government will allocate 60 per cent of existing postsecondary funding based on the achievement of objectives for 10 metrics consistent with the government`s stated priorities: improving skills, focusing on job outcomes, and promoting impact on the community and the economy. .