There Is General Agreement among the Experts That

an agreement that is concluded informally or not expressed in American words a situation in which someone has exactly the same ideas or opinions as someone else, often without even questioning those opinions or ideasAmereal a written statement or payment of money proving that an agreement has been reached between two persons or groups an informal agreement, that you have with someone who gives you pros or cons and a deal when one party promises something but the other party doesn`t believe and doesn`t report Conservatives who voted at very high rates in 2020: 85% of eligible voters have a voting record, just like 78% of engaged Conservatives. The populist right (67%) scored at a slightly different rate than all citizens, while only 55% of those eligible to vote for the ambivalent right voted in 2020. And while about half of the stressed marginals (45 percent) voted, about half of those who voted (49 percent) voted for Trump. The GOP coalition also generally shares the view that the historical barriers faced by women and non-white people have now largely disappeared: at least six out of ten GOP-affiliated groups say that the barriers that made it harder for women than men to move forward have now largely disappeared, and relatively large majorities say the country has made great strides in ensuring equal rights for all. Americans regardless of race and ethnicity. Faith and Flag`s conservatives are more positive of former President Trump than those of other Republican-oriented groups. On a “sensation thermometer,” where 0 is the coldest rating and 100 is the hottest, the conservatives of Faith and Flag give Trump a very hot average rating of 83. Right-wing populists and committed conservatives also rate Trump warmly, with average scores of 77 and 72, respectively. The ambivalent right is much less warm towards Trump, giving him an average score of 43. This score is slightly higher (52) among Republicans and GOP supporters in the ambivalent right. While GOP-oriented groups generally agree to attach importance to securing U.S. borders, groups within the coalition have very different views on the extent to which illegal immigration is a problem in the country, as well as the country`s approach to legal immigration. Republican-oriented typology groups are also largely in favor of policies designed to ensure that the United States remains the world`s only military superpower.

And while they question whether the size of the U.S. military should be increased or maintained at its current size, they largely oppose a reduction in the size of the military. No more than one in ten say the size of the army should be reduced. Note: The full wording and distribution of questions for each question can be found in the detailed tables. an agreement to do something when someone else does something a commercial-type agreement where people trust each other without a written contract In this area of research, there is a general consensus that task- and relationship-oriented leadership styles are systematically linked to productivity. Agreement or support of a group, idea, plan, etc. Six in ten right-wing populists and an almost identical proportion of Faith and Flag conservatives (59 percent) say they like political leaders who claim Trump is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election, even though official counts show Biden was the legitimate winner. While committed conservatives are less likely to express this preference, the bottom line is that they say they like a leader who claims Trump won (40%) than saying they don`t like a leader who claims it (24%); About a third of committed conservatives (36 percent) say they don`t like or like leaders who claim Trump is the legitimate winner. These differences between groups reflect differences in attitudes toward the 2020 election itself. Faith and Flag conservatives and right-wing populists will most likely claim that Trump certainly or likely received the most votes from eligible voters in enough states to win the election, with more than eight in ten in each group claiming it (86 percent of Faith and Flag conservatives, 85 percent of the populist right).

About six in ten committed conservatives (62 percent) also say Trump has definitely or likely won, compared to about a third (35 percent) of the ambivalent right that says so. Ambivalent right-wingers are the only Republican-oriented group in which a majority (62 percent) say Joe Biden certainly or likely received the most votes from eligible voters in enough states to win the election. an implicit agreement between citizens and the government on the rights and duties of each group that gives legitimacy to a government Almost all conservatives of faith and flag (99%), committed conservatives (96%) and right-wing populists (97%) who voted in the 2020 presidential election voted for Donald Trump, just like a narrower majority (70%) of voters on the ambivalent right. While this reflects to some extent that about a quarter of the ambivalent right leans toward the Democratic Party, Trump`s support among the ambivalent right, which identifies as Republican or Republican, was still slightly lower than that of other Republican-oriented groups: 86 percent of ambivalent right-wing Republican voters supported Trump, while 10% voted for Biden and 4% voted for someone else. a contract that is usually purely oral, although it can also be written in part, but that is not a document on which people can agree, especially if they do not agree on other things, the fact that different ideas or systems can exist together to create a fictitious contract created by a court, to which a person is legally bound, as if there were a real treaty, GOP-oriented groups are more united than divided on issues of race and gender: for example, the majorities of the Republican coalition say that the country has made great strides in addressing racial and ethnic inequalities over the past 50 years, and that little or nothing remains to be done for the future. .