Medical Services Contract Template

This agreement applies specifically to the provision of medical services to a health centre. This website also has a general purpose service contract that can be used for someone who offers a different type of service. This document contains all the important information necessary for a doctor providing medical services to enter into a business relationship with a health center that wishes to work with an independent doctor, including the following details: If HCF does not make the payment of an invoice within 45 days of submitting the invoice or does not act in good faith, to review and approve an invoice submitted by CMP, CMP may terminate this MSA and is entitled to compensation for all services provided at the applicable rate(s) plus the standard hourly rate for 50% of the remaining guaranteed hours during the term of the contract. One. If CMP terminates the contract before the end of the contractual period without giving reasons, CMP is only entitled to compensation for the services actually rendered at the applicable rate(s) .b. If HCF terminates the contract before the end of the contractual period without giving reasons, HCF will indemnify CMP for all services provided at the applicable rate(s) plus the standard hourly rate for 50% of the remaining guaranteed hours during the contractual period. hCF and CMP agree to use Freelance Clinician`s billing and payment system for the submission, review and approval of invoices and for the transfer of all payments on them. CMP submits each invoice no later than the Tuesday of each week for the previous week`s services. Each invoice must indicate the hours actually worked each working day, indicating overtime, vacation hours and other special rates provided for herein, if any. In the event that HCF does not require CMP`s services for the total number of guaranteed hours per week as stated above, HCF will always be charged a minimum of the guaranteed hours. HCF will transfer the payment via the billing and payment system no later than 30 days after the invoice date by CMP. Any outstanding balance not paid within 30 days of the invoice date by CMP will be subject to a late fee of 1.5% of the outstanding amount for each month in which it remains unpaid.c.

If HCF detects an error in an invoice submitted by CMP, HCF will notify CMP within five business days of such submission and CMP will submit a corrected invoice or resubmit the original invoice no later than the following Tuesday. HCF will then transfer the payment through the independent clinician`s billing and payment system no later than 14 days after the date the corrected or resubmitted invoice was submitted by CMP. In the event that the parties do not agree on the correct billing terms, HCF will pay at least the undisputed amount within 14 days of the resubmission of the invoice. CMP does not waive its right to claim unpaid compensation by receiving such partial payment. HCF`s failure to inform CMP of the disputed billing terms constitutes a waiver of any objection only to the applicable invoice and does not waive objections to future invoices. HCF and CMP have agreed to apply a prompt payment discount as follows: a. The parties agree that all payments for the remuneration of CMP`s services will be made through the billing and payment system. cMP and HCF each acknowledge that the independent clinician is entitled to receive his or her fees from any payment made by HCF. c. HCF will be credited with the payment of a CMP invoice on the day the payment is transferred to the billing and payment system, and HCF will be entitled to the instant payment discount authorized by that MSA, if any, based on the date of payment by HCF to the billing and payment system. d.

CMP understands and agrees that the clinician freelancer`s fee will be debited from CMP`s payment processing account immediately upon transfer of the HCF payment to CMP.e. HCF acknowledges and agrees that its responsibility for paying CMP`s bills is independent of its ability to collect from its patients, Medicare, Medicaid, other insurance programs or any other party responsible for paying for patient services. One. All records of clients and patients processed by CMP under this Agreement are the property of HCF and remain the property of HCF. CMP is committed to complying with and complying with all federal, state, and local privacy and disclosure laws with respect to all information and records received or reviewed by CMP in connection with the provision of services to HCF.b and CMP`s clients and patients. CMP acknowledges that during the term of this Agreement, CMP may have access to or familiarity with HCF`s proprietary and confidential information, including, but not limited to, medical records and medical history, patient-identifiable information, and other information that is not generally known to the public or HCF`s competitors (“Confidential Information”). CMP undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information at all times, including after the expiry of the term of this Agreement. Upon request, CMP will provide HCF with information indicating that CMP complies with applicable laws and/or its guidelines implemented by HCF regarding the security of confidential information.c. CMP also agrees to enter into any business partnership agreement or similar agreement required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. To the fullest extent permitted by law and if CMP is considered a business partner, CMP will indemnify and hold harmless HCF and the Independent Clinician from and against any and all liabilities, claims, suits, injuries, losses, expenses and damages of any kind arising solely or exclusively as a result of any misrepresentation, material breach or failure of CMP to perform any obligation under this Agreement. .

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