Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Explained

Open Value Subscription for Education Solutions is a commitment-based Microsoft volume licensing agreement for academic organizations with five or more full-time positions or students who wish to earn an enterprise-wide license. Software Assurance is included. Unlike the EA, which has a minimum number of users or devices of 500, the CSP is much more flexible with the number of devices and users you can have under the agreement, making it ideal for small businesses. Ea includes subscription options that reduce initial licensing costs because customers have chosen to subscribe to the rights to use Microsoft products and services instead of owning them. The subscription option also allows customers to increase or decrease the number of subscriptions on an annual basis. Although it sounds very formal, there is flexibility. Here`s why: The registration contract tree allows you to easily add new products and services as needed. Microsoft recognizes that it is one of the most important providers to help companies create business processes. The company often uses its market position as leverage to convince customers to buy more licenses than they need. In this guide, we explain how to find your own leverage and negotiate the renewal of Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and True-Up to your advantage. Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MPSA) is a transactional license agreement for commercial, government, and academic organizations with 250 or more users/devices. MPSA is best suited for organizations that want to obtain on-premises licenses of Microsoft software, cloud services, or both on-demand, with no enterprise-wide commitment and with multi-year subscription options under a single, non-expiring agreement. Software Assurance is optional.

At the beginning of the agreement, pricing is based on a tiered volume discount structure, that is, the larger the size of an organization, the less it pays per license. If an organization adds devices or users during its contract, the licensing cost per device/user remains the same or can be reduced for the three-year contract term given the pricing levels of the Enterprise contract volume. We offer several contract options to help partners license Microsoft cloud services and on-premises software. As a business owner, you can leverage your network. If you know what your business friends pay for Microsoft licenses, you can count on better prices. Microsoft`s ISV Royalty Licensing Program is designed for ISVs who are looking for a convenient way to license Microsoft products and integrate them into a unified solution. ISVs can then replicate the enterprise solution and distribute a fully licensed solution to their end users. ISV Royalty Agreements (ISVRs) have a term of three years and payment is made monthly through an authorized distributor of the ISV Royalty Licensing Program. As mentioned earlier, Microsoft`s EA is a three-year contract. If they need to be renewed, companies have the option of renewing them for one or three years. *This pension does not apply to State and Education Select Plus agreements or if the MPSA is not available on July 1, 2016.

For a complete list of markets where mpSA is available, see the MPSA FAQ. Get answers to frequently asked questions about the Select Plus retreat. The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement or Microsoft EA is a subscription to the rights to use Microsoft products and services. It offers value to companies with 500 or more users/devices, with the ability to purchase more services under a single agreement. Microsoft Cloud Agreement (MCA) is a transactional licensing agreement for commercial and government organizations that want to outsource the management of their cloud services entirely through a cloud solution provider (CSP). The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement are commitment-based licensing agreements for commercial organizations that sign up with 500 or more users/devices* and government organizations with 250 or more users/devices. These agreements are best suited for organizations that want to license Microsoft software and cloud services on-premises across the enterprise over a three-year period and at the best available prices. Microsoft products purchased from a cloud solution provider (CSP) will not count towards your total expenses used to calculate your unified support contract invoice. The downside of purchasing cloud-based services from a CSP is that the company doesn`t get discounts such as SA SKUs for Office 365. Procurement, Procurement, and Vendor Management (SPVM) managers should consider moving some licenses, such as Microsoft 365 or Office 365, to a CSP, as they may not require as much support as other critical workloads that require unified support. Open License is a transaction agreement for commercial, governmental, academic, and non-profit organizations.

Software Assurance is optional. Partners must work with authorized Microsoft distributors to sell licenses and subscriptions through Open Agreements. You must also be an AER to sell licenses through Open License for Academic and Open Value Subscription for Education Solutions. The acceleration of technology has caused companies to lose a clear view of their IT spending. This poster offers 6 ways to save IT costs. Open Value Enterprise-Wide and Open Value Subscription are commitment-based agreements for commercial and government organizations that want to obtain enterprise-wide licenses over a period of one or two years. Software Assurance is included. Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement (MOSA) is a transactional license agreement for commercial, government, and academic organizations with one or more users/devices. MOSA is best suited for organizations that want to subscribe, enable, deploy, and manage cloud services through the Microsoft Online Subscription Program (MOSP) seamlessly and directly over the web.

Local software and software assurance are not available through MOSA. The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) is a licensing option that can deliver exceptional value and cost savings to customers under the right circumstances. It`s not for everyone, but if your COMPUTing needs match EA`s strengths, there`s no better way to achieve your Microsoft goals while saving money in the process. For starters, you need to have at least 250 devices or users to be eligible, although under the right circumstances we can still get the EA up and running, even if you`re not quite 250 seats away. .