Model Contract De Comodat Apartament Persoane Fizice

Article 3 The object of the contract is the use of the apartment belonging to Mr. / Mrs. by the merchant. ……………………………… as a merchant in ……. Str. ……………., No. ……, for the purposes of which the Treasurer undertakes. A deposit contract may be concluded between two companies in order to declare the registered office and to carry out the economic activity of one of the companies.

In the deposit contract, the possibility must be expressly indicated to carry out certain regulatory work of the occupied space in the commodate. For example, a person who owns a car (the bargaining agent) may decide to borrow it for the use of a friend (the treasurer) who needs it for a while. The deposit contract has a fixed term, but can be extended as often as necessary with the understanding of the parties. In summary, by concluding a deposit contract, the beneficiary can use the respective asset free of charge, but must not forget the obligations provided for in the deed. The most important of these is that they must not damage the goods used and return them on the due date. The deposit contract for the apartment is often carried out for the purpose of forming a company, since proof of the registered office must be provided under the documents to be submitted. It is therefore a useful document for those who do not own property but want to open a business. A common case for which the deposit contract is concluded is the incorporation of a company. In other words, a person who wants to start a business must go through a series of steps, one of which is the formation of the head office. If he is not the owner of a property, the registered office of the company can be a house or apartment rented or received free of charge through the deposit contract.

LITIGATION Article 12 Disputes between the Contracting Parties, if they are not settled amicably, shall be settled by the competent courts. This contract was concluded today …. in 3 original copies, including one remains at the Commode, one at the Commodater and one at the Notary. The signatures of the parties COMODATANT, COMODATAR, Bailment Contract can be made at the notary and the cost is 150-200 lei or it can be created under private signature. In both cases, the contract is valid and comes into force, they can be used in public institutions or onrc. The deposit contract for the building is an agreement between the person offering an apartment – an apartment – and the person receiving it for temporary use. Both parties have obligations. It should also be mentioned that the right of ownership is NOT transferred, the beneficiary only receives a temporary right of use. The documents required for the conclusion of the deposit contract with the notary are: From the deposit contract, the obligations of each party concerned must not be lacking. The duration of the contract Deposit contracts are concluded for a certain period of time. In credit agreements used to prove the size of the registered office, the duration of the contract may not exceed 49 years. Obligations of the parties Termination of the contract Force majeure A deposit contract consists of the following parts: art.

10. The contractual relationship is terminated by the return of the work under the appropriate conditions at the time specified in the contract. Article 11[edit] In the event of non-compliance by the bailiff with the obligations, the latter may request the termination of the contract. In the case of the owner of the room (the merchant), the value of the investments made by the dresser, which are given to him at the end of the contract, represents a gross income from the sale of the use of the goods. It will report the value of the investments to supplement the tax base. In the following, we present three models of deposit contracts updated 2022: movable property, real estate, car The guarantee contract is regulated in Article 2146 of the new Civil Code as a type of loan agreement called user loan. According to the legislation, the deposit contract is a form of free loan, by which the party called bailiff transfers a property to be used to another party called Commodatar. It is important to note that the deposit contract does not transfer ownership of the asset, but only its use. The parties to the contract The identification data of the merchant – the natural or legal person who puts the immovable or movable property to use The identification data of the co-debtor – the natural or legal person who receives the property used. The deposit contract may be concluded at the notary`s office, in public form or under private signature; the document closed for a certain period of time is an enforceable title, but the document without a return period is only an enforceable title if a use is not intended or if the intended use is permanent. The document concluded with the notary contains the date and duration of the contract, the address of the property given in use, the data of the land register, the value of the apartment / property intended for use, the obligations of the parties, other clauses.

This contract was concluded today ….. in 3 original copies, including one remains at the Commode, one at the Commodater and one at the Notary. The deposit contract for the house / property is concluded free of charge between two natural or legal persons for a certain period of time; the contract may be renewed as often as necessary with the consent of the parties. It is recommended to attach copies of the following documents to the contact of the deposit: identity card or COMODANT CUI, title deeds of the property, cadastral sheet for real estate. The deposit contract is a document that is increasingly created and used instead of leases, because it does not generate income for the person who gives one asset for the use of another; Therefore, the document is not subject to tax and does not have to be registered with the tax authorities. The deposit contract is the act by which an asset (such as an apartment, a car) is donated for use as a loan. It is also known as the usage credit agreement. There are therefore two parties, the one who offers the property and the one who receives it for use, with the obligation to return it within the prescribed period. The treasurer is obliged to take care of the respective goods, return them and repair them in case of damage.

At the same time, he is required to use the borrowed asset as intended. It is also important to mention that the treasurer is required to bear the costs that he must use to use the property (such as gasoline in the case of the car and maintenance and bills in the case of a house), especially if they were provided at the time of the conclusion of the contract. To avoid any misunderstanding, all these details should be discussed from the beginning and mentioned in the contract. Neither side should rely solely on verbal promises. The judicial officer, for his part, is required to reimburse the amount related to any work on the property and to pay compensation to the modernizer if he has not informed him at the time of the conclusion of the contract of the hidden defects of the property made available for use. .