Mou Franchise Agreement

The franchisee shall reimburse the franchisor or its affiliates and agents immediately and, on the due date, the amount of sales taxes, use taxes, personal wealth taxes and similar taxes to be imposed on the franchisor or its affiliates or agents as a result of services or property to be collected or paid for by the franchisor, its affiliates or agents. to the franchisee by sale, lease or otherwise, or as a result of the collection of the original franchise fees, royalties, marketing and advertising costs, or other payments made by the franchisee to the franchisor required by the terms of this agreement by the franchisor, its affiliates or agents. The franchisee will provide the franchisor with proof of insurance before starting to do business with the deductible [insert franchise name]. This evidence shows that the insurer is entitled to inform the franchisor if the policies expire or are cancelled. The franchisor has the right to change the minimum amount of insurance that the franchisee must maintain by giving reasonable notice, taking due account of what is appropriate and customary in a similar business. The franchisee`s failure to comply with the insurance terms set forth herein shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement. In the event of loss of insurance coverage, in addition to any other remedies, the franchisor has the right to require the franchisee to cease operating the deductible [insert name of deductible] until coverage is restored, or to pay any arrears in the payment of premiums and charge them to the franchisee. The rights granted to the franchisee under this Agreement apply to the applicable franchise location and may not be transferred to another location without the prior written consent of the franchisor. If the franchisee has been operating a franchise franchise [insert franchise name] for at least 12 months and wishes to move it to another location, the franchisee must explain why they requested the move in writing from the franchisor and a proposed new location. The franchisor has a period of 30 days from receipt of the franchisee`s written request to respond. If the franchisor approves the relationship and the proposed new location, and if the franchisee`s ownership does not change in any way from the franchisee`s ownership prior to the move, the franchisee may move its franchisee to the new approved location, provided that the franchisee signs the then-current form of the franchisor`s franchise agreement and the franchise with its former franchisor within 12 months of the conclusion of the frankness. Open location at the new location. Location of the franchise.

In addition, the franchisee must pay a non-refundable design fee of $[insert amount] as a fee for the preparation of a design for the franchisee`s new franchise location. A similar design fee will also be charged if, at any time during the term of this Agreement, the franchisee requests design assistance for the remodeling of its franchise. The Franchisee agrees to maintain and operate its franchise [Insert Franchise Name] in strict accordance with this Agreement and the standards and specifications contained in the Operations Manual, as these may be amended from time to time by the Franchisor in accordance with this Agreement. The franchisee is prohibited from offering or selling products or services that are not authorized by the franchisor. Each franchisee is required to sign the franchise agreement and the franchisor will also sign the document. A word of warning, a franchise agreement is a binding legal document and you may want a franchise lawyer to review it on your behalf before signing it. A “pure” letter of intent contains only procedural agreements relating to a potential transaction. The LETTER of intent then includes the steps in the negotiation process, the provision of information, the conclusion of a confidentiality agreement and the question of whether or not there is exclusivity between the franchisor and the potential franchisee. The letter of intent thus describes how and under what conditions the parties negotiate a possible franchise agreement.

The parties may choose several specifications for how the agreement is to be formed, including the obligations that the franchisor owes to the franchisee, if any. This franchise agreement is a solid document that ensures the smooth running of the relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee. A franchise agreement, sometimes referred to as a business franchise agreement, is a document between two main parties, the party outsourcing their already well-developed business model, called the franchisor, and the party that accepts certain conditions to start its own franchise business based on that business model. In a franchise agreement, the franchisor sets out the expectations and requirements of a franchisee to operate a business under its brand. It can be any type of business and often restaurants or small retail stores are run as franchises. (ii) motor vehicle liability insurance that covers all employees of the deductible [insert name of deductible] and that is authorized to drive a motor vehicle in an amount that is not less than a minimum coverage required by law; In the case of a license agreement, the licensor authorizes the licensee to use its property for commercial or other reasons. License agreements also have their own specific terms, but the content is different from that of franchise agreements. The Franchisee undertakes at all times to perform the Franchisee`s obligations under this Agreement faithfully, honestly and conscientiously and to do its best to promote the Franchise [Insert Franchise Name].

The Franchisee agrees to use the Licensed Marks and Methods to exploit all aspects of the Franchisee in accordance with the methods and systems developed and prescribed from time to time by the Franchisor, all of which are part of the Licensed Methods. The franchisee offers the products and services designated by the franchisor and may not manufacture, offer or sell products or services that have not been previously approved in writing by the franchisor. The franchisee`s [insert franchise name] must include [insert franchise name] branded items manufactured by the franchisor or its designated suppliers, as well as non-primary related items (“items”) approved in writing by the franchisor. The Franchisor grants the Franchisee and the Franchisee the right of the Franchisor to use the trademarks and licensed methods related to the establishment and operation of a franchise [insert franchise name] at the location described in this Agreement. The Franchisee agrees to use the Marks and Licensed Methods, as they may only be modified, improved and developed by the Franchisor from time to time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. A franchise agreement is a legally binding document that contains information about the conditions set by the franchisor for the franchisee. A model franchise agreement also includes an overview of the obligations of the franchisor and franchisee. If both parties agree to the terms of the contract, both use their signatures. THIS AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is entered into on [Insert Date] by and between [Insert Franchisor`s Name] (the “Franchisor”) by [Insert Franchisee`s Address] and [Insert Franchisee`s Name] (the “Franchisee`s Name”) by [Insert Franchisee`s Address] on the basis of the following agreements and understandings: The Franchisee is granted the right and franchise right to [insert franchise name] a franchise entity [Insert Name of the franchisee] under [Insert franchise address] (“Insert franchise address”).

“Gross retail sales” are defined as income and revenues of any kind from any product or service sold by or through the franchise [insert name of franchise], including the sale of goods or services in exchange for cash or on credit or in part for cash and in part for credit, regardless of the collection of the fees for which a loan is granted. fewer returns for which refunds are made, provided the refund does not exceed the selling price and without discounts, sales taxes and other taxes, amounts received to settle a loss of goods, shipping costs paid by the customer, and discount sales to businesses or charities for fundraising purposes. “Gross retail sales” also include the fair value of all services or products received by the franchisee in connection with a barter or in exchange for its services and products. The franchisor has developed methods to establish, operate and promote businesses operating in the business of [Insert Franchise Type] using the service mark and related trade names and trademarks (the “Marks”) and the franchisor`s proprietary business methods (the “Licensed Methods”). .